Report Phragmites Australis
The invasive plant, Phragmites Australis, is a perennial wetland weed that forms dense, almost monoculture stands. It is also known as European reed or common reed. It is native to Eurasia and was probably introduced more than once to North America in the 19th century along the Atlantic coast, as a seed contaminant in soil ballast and intentionally introduced through the horticultural trade.
Phragmites australis is an aggressively spreading grass that can reach heights of over 5 metres and densities of over 200 stems/m2. In 2005, scientists from Agriculture and Agri-food Canada recognised it as the worst invasive plant in Canada. The rapid spread of this plant occurred in the 1990s, and it has since spread across Ontario, becoming one of the most significant threats to Great Lakes coastal habitats, where it has significantly reduced plant and wildlife diversity, and threatened a large number of endangered species.