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Infrastructure and climate change: today the focus promoted by CAV and The Climate Change Study Centre

Infrastructure and climate change: today the focus promoted by CAV and The Climate Change Study Centre


MARGHERA (VENICE) – To change the logic used so far to look at the future with actions that prevent the impact of climate change on infrastructures. It is one of the themes relaunched this morning in Marghera (Venice) during an online and in-person event promoted by CAV – Concessioni Autostradali Venete S.p.A. and by the CCSC – Climate Change Study Centre established by Greenway Group.

Experts shared their view on “Environmental E-roads. Adaptive integrated ecosystems” during the round table moderated by Piero Torchi, General Manager of Ecogest S.p.A., the leader company in the maintenance of green areas along motorways based in Ravenna. The application on transport infrastructures of the “Kassandra” intelligent model promoted by architects Antonio Stornello and Mark Cannata was presented for the first time, a project aiming at creating a forecasting system capable of analysing current data and looking at possible future changes.

A way to take preventive action also in respect of reactions of infrastructures to climate change – topic addressed by Valerio Molinari, the founder of the CCSC and main shareholder of Greenway Group, the holding company owned by the Molinari family that supports the Kassandra project and the related research activities.

Focusing on strategies to be implemented for a correct prevention of the effects of climate change on the motorway system, Molinari presented the new methodological approach aiming at protecting infrastructures through a new concept of roadside vegetation along motorways that cannot be seen only as an ornamental aspect, but as a fundamental element of conjunction between the road environment and the surrounding natural landscape, by monitoring the spread of “alien” species which threaten to cause serious damages over time if not properly controlled.

Damages that translate into more economic investments, higher management and maintenance costs and serious events which may put the user’s safety at risk. The architect Stornello presented then in detail the CAV case study through the application of “Kassandra” on transport infrastructures, according to the intuition proposed by the Board of Greenway Group. The foresight of the President and the Board of Directors of CAV made it possible to launch an experimentation phase along three motorway sections operated by CAV where, thanks to the new methodological approach, the results will be analysed step by step.

The analysis was appreciated by the top executives of AISCAT, ASECAP and IRF, in particular by the President Massimo Schintu, by the ASECAP General Secretary Malika Seddi and by the IRF Director General Susanna Zammataro who gave their opening speeches together with the president of CAV, Luisa Serato, and followed by speeches of Eng. Ugo Di Bernardo, CEO of CAV, who talked about the challenge of technological and environmental innovation faced by the Venetian motorway company, Federica Capuzzo, head of the CAV Environment and Safety Service, and Andrea Ballarin who talked about financing, a not secondary topic, necessary to adopt these actions. In conclusion, a common need to build on correct and new agronomic and ecological principles was highlighted for future infrastructural projects through new and technological study and analysis tools. The event also saw the participation of the Order of Engineers of Venice and over 150 participants from various countries through reference trade associations.

15 December 2021
Greenway Group Press Office

Michele Barbagallo for MediaLive